Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cold Comfort

Has the sniffles got you down? Are you fighting off a bug you know you caught from your cubicle neighbor or your kid? It's cold and flu season, but it's not too late to arm yourself with a few tools from your yoga toolbox. Some of these tools are yogic in nature, others are good old fashion common sense from mom.

Let's talk about immunity. Some research has shown that cold and flu are not just as simple as being exposed to a virus, but rather an internal disturbance of the body's immune system. And we all know that colds and flu can wreak havoc on our bodies.

One of the biggest reasons we do get sick is because our immune system is weak or been compromised in some way. And the biggest culprit is stress. Ask yourself... Are you working long hours? Are you over extending yourself with family and friends? Are you over extending yourself with your children's schedules? Are you working at full speed and not getting enough sleep? Are you eating on the go or just plain eating junk? These are all indications that you are doing too much and creating a great deal of stress on your body and in the process taxing your immune system.

So, this season, add a few simple tricks to armor yourself against any bug flying around out there:

1) De-Stress: first things first. You've got to slow down and take just a little bit of time for yourself. You are not Wonder Woman or Super Man and yes, it's okay to say, "NO!" Try to get some things off your plate so you are not running on empty every single day.

2) Water is key: Staying hydrated every day flushes out toxins that build up in your body, so you decrease the chance of getting sick. And for goodness sakes, wash your hands with hot water and soap...alot.

3) Nutrition: You should do this anyway, but limit your intake of sugar and caffeine (coffee, tea, and sugary soft drinks). Caffeine not only compromises your immune system, but it leaches calcium from your bones and it's hard on your liver. Some people even use softdrinks to unclog their drains so imagine what it's doing to your insides. It's also time to eat better. Add more fruits, vegetables and good stuff to your diet. When you eat nutritious foods your digestion and elimination works more efficiently and again your immune system is stronger for it.

4) Ah Sleep, perchance to dream: is their anything more inviting than a comfy bed, pillows and blanket? Turn off your tv and go to bed early. This will aide in that whole de-stressing process.

From your yoga toolbox:

5) Strike a pose: practicing yoga daily is an awesome way to build up your immunity. Yoga really helps to cleanse the body of toxins when we twist or practice inversions and stretch in ways that bring more strength and suppleness. Yoga also helps to stimulate more blood flow throughout our entire system. And it helps to drain the lymph system so your body can fight infection, dispose toxins and even fight cancer cells.

6) Meditate: Take 5 minutes a day to sit in a quiet room and just be. Yes, your mind maybe racing, but give yourself some peaceful time to just sit and be with your senses. I know you have 5 minutes you can find somewhere in your day.

7) Just breathe: When you are practicing yoga or not, take some deep, cleansing breaths. This will help to quiet the mind, relax your body and bring in fresh oxygen to your cells, muscles, organs...everything.

8) Keep moving: If you don't have time for yoga...keep moving. Take a walk, jog a bit, dance, get on a stationary bike, etc. Just keep that blood flowing. You'll feel great and you'll be less likely to overwork yourself, eat junk and not get enough sleep.

I hope these little tips help. I still get sick even when I do practice all of these things, but I notice that the colds I do catch, don't keep me down for long.


radiantfitness said...

Even as I type this, I'm thinking, "Go get water, Keri!"

Susan said...

Exactly. Such a discipline isn't it? Susan