"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin
When I think about the word transformation and what that word means to me I think about the springtime and new beginnings. I think about butterflies breaking through their cocoons to become something even more wonderous. But I also think about a lotus flower and its journey towards transformation.
I know it seems strange to be thinking of these images when it's November and it's cold and dark out most days. But let me tell you a story about the lovely lotus flower.
It starts out as a small flower down in the mud and the muck and gradually starts to move it's way up from the earth towards the water, continually reaching towards the light and when it finally breaks through the water's surface, it blossoms into a beautiful flower. How awesome is that?
The lotus is a revered symbol in many traditions, including Buddhism and Hindusim and it's a wonderful image to use as your intention for your yoga practice. It is my favorite of all yogic symbols, so much so that I even own a set of mala beads made of lotus seeds that I practice a mantra on. (FYI mala beads are to the Buddhists and Hindus what a rosary is to a Catholic...a tool for counting a prayer on each bead)
The reason I love the lotus so much is that it's a perfect way of describing the human experience and our physical and spiritual evolution towards something greater than ourselves...our journey towards enlightenment, if you will. We're lotuses our whole lives and in stages of our lives. Have you ever felt like you were down in the mud trying to claw your way up towards the light? Have there been moments when you've actually broken through the surface and blossomed open just a little?
Where are you in your personal transformation? The New Year is coming. It's right around the corner. I don't know about you, but my intention is to make 2009 an auspicious year. I've been in the muck too much this past year and it's time to do something different, be something different. I hope you join me. And you can join me!
Check out the Radiant Fitness website for Lotus Yoga starting in January 2009. It can't wait and I hope you can join me on your mat for your own journey of transformation.
Love and Light,
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