Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Compass to Live By
Often times when things are not making sense in my life and I'm not sure of some of the things I'm doing on my personal path, it's my yoga practice that centers me. I've done lots of different things with my life in regards to personal and professional pursuits, but yoga is really the only common denominator that has stayed present in my life. When things are off kilter and I'm feeling that fight or flight angst inside, yoga becomes the compass that steers me back on course. It lets me know that I need to take time for myself to practice or even "up" my practice even more.
No matter where you are on the path, I hope you let 2009 be the year you dip your big toe into the great cosmic pool of yoga and allow it to bring about whatever transformation you need.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Song for a Winter's Night

Thursday, December 11, 2008
To Veg or not to Veg...

Friday, December 5, 2008
Crafty Yogi

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mindful Eating
~ Erma Bombeck
Okay, so I'm not implying that you should completely throw caution to the wind and gorge yourself this Thanksgiving, but I will say this, "everything in moderation." You can still enjoy this wonderful feast with family and friends and still eat like a yogi. We'll call this "mindfulness eating."
It's taking the time to enjoy your meal, the tastes, textures and aromas, instead of diving in and inhaling your meal. Try it this year. Try this with every meal. What's the alternative? You'll pile your plate high, eat too fast, feel bloated, sick and sorry and fall into food coma.
This Thanksgiving, take your practice off of the mat, and really enjoy your meal and with whom you are sharing this meal. Try practicing mindful eating and only eating that amount that will nourish you. And if you can, remember to give thanks for all of the blessings in your life and to remember those who are doing without this year.
At the end of my yoga classes, I seal the practice with a Metta prayer and I'll seal this Thanksgiving blog with the same prayer. Metta means "lovingkindness" and it's a way to extend your blessings and your yogic practice with everyone you touch in your community and around the world.
Metta Prayer
"May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be safe."
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
With Grace and Gratitude,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Journey of Transformation

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Cold Comfort
Let's talk about immunity. Some research has shown that cold and flu are not just as simple as being exposed to a virus, but rather an internal disturbance of the body's immune system. And we all know that colds and flu can wreak havoc on our bodies.
One of the biggest reasons we do get sick is because our immune system is weak or been compromised in some way. And the biggest culprit is stress. Ask yourself... Are you working long hours? Are you over extending yourself with family and friends? Are you over extending yourself with your children's schedules? Are you working at full speed and not getting enough sleep? Are you eating on the go or just plain eating junk? These are all indications that you are doing too much and creating a great deal of stress on your body and in the process taxing your immune system.
So, this season, add a few simple tricks to armor yourself against any bug flying around out there:
1) De-Stress: first things first. You've got to slow down and take just a little bit of time for yourself. You are not Wonder Woman or Super Man and yes, it's okay to say, "NO!" Try to get some things off your plate so you are not running on empty every single day.
2) Water is key: Staying hydrated every day flushes out toxins that build up in your body, so you decrease the chance of getting sick. And for goodness sakes, wash your hands with hot water and soap...alot.
3) Nutrition: You should do this anyway, but limit your intake of sugar and caffeine (coffee, tea, and sugary soft drinks). Caffeine not only compromises your immune system, but it leaches calcium from your bones and it's hard on your liver. Some people even use softdrinks to unclog their drains so imagine what it's doing to your insides. It's also time to eat better. Add more fruits, vegetables and good stuff to your diet. When you eat nutritious foods your digestion and elimination works more efficiently and again your immune system is stronger for it.
4) Ah Sleep, perchance to dream: is their anything more inviting than a comfy bed, pillows and blanket? Turn off your tv and go to bed early. This will aide in that whole de-stressing process.
From your yoga toolbox:
5) Strike a pose: practicing yoga daily is an awesome way to build up your immunity. Yoga really helps to cleanse the body of toxins when we twist or practice inversions and stretch in ways that bring more strength and suppleness. Yoga also helps to stimulate more blood flow throughout our entire system. And it helps to drain the lymph system so your body can fight infection, dispose toxins and even fight cancer cells.
6) Meditate: Take 5 minutes a day to sit in a quiet room and just be. Yes, your mind maybe racing, but give yourself some peaceful time to just sit and be with your senses. I know you have 5 minutes you can find somewhere in your day.
7) Just breathe: When you are practicing yoga or not, take some deep, cleansing breaths. This will help to quiet the mind, relax your body and bring in fresh oxygen to your cells, muscles, organs...everything.
8) Keep moving: If you don't have time for yoga...keep moving. Take a walk, jog a bit, dance, get on a stationary bike, etc. Just keep that blood flowing. You'll feel great and you'll be less likely to overwork yourself, eat junk and not get enough sleep.
I hope these little tips help. I still get sick even when I do practice all of these things, but I notice that the colds I do catch, don't keep me down for long.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Revisiting the Monkey God

It's time to revisit Hanuman, the "monkey god." In a previous blog I address the topic of yoga and religion. I emphasized that while yoga dates back to India thousands of years ago and has it's roots in Hinduism, one need not subscribe to this particular religion or any religion in order to practice. The history of yoga is so vast, I would suggest you either search the internet or perhaps buy a yoga book and read up on it. A lot of yoga books that have the poses in them usually touch on the history of yoga and there are specific philosphy books on yoga that really delve into this subject.
So who is Hanuman? Was there really a "monkey god?" There is a very rich, beautiful and lyrical aspect to yoga for why these poses were named like this and why teachers pronounce their Sanskrit names in classes.
Patanjali, the father of yoga, details the history of yoga in his Yoga Sutras, which dates back thousands of years ago. Many yoga asanas are named after animals, birds and objects whose shape the body takes while performing. Patanajali observed nature and the way animals and fish lived a healthy lifestyle. He observed that when animals were healthy, they stretched in certain ways and when they fell ill they positioned themselves in certain ways to make themselves feel better. Just like humans do. Hence the names like "Downward Facing Dog" (Ahdo Mukha Svanasana).
Yoga also has a rich literary side. Many yoga poses are also named after mythical or historical figures with entire stories behind them, ie Shiva or Ganesh. These texts, such as the Vedas, the Upanishads, even the Bhagavad Gita are also interesting to read and can offer their own insightful lessons.
One such mythical figure is Hanuman, a monkey-like semi-divine character from the Hindu epic, Ramayana. His name literally means, "having large jaws." As the son of the wind god, Vayu (or Pavana), Hanuman is said to be bestowed with the ability to fly. In one of his legendary feats, he leaped to lanka.
The picture above is Hanumasana, which mimics Hanuman's leap from the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka. This is the reason the splits pose was named in this way. All of the yoga poses are named in specific ways to not only bring health and wellness to our physical bodies, but also teach us specific things as well. When you practice the splits pose or even attempt to do it, you are literally practicing a leap of faith and courage from one spot to another, just like the mythical Hanuman.
When you practice yoga, no doubt you will come in contact with a language, history, and tradition that is far different from your own. But keep in mind that this tradition is merely another tool to help you live a healthier lifestyle and unite you mind, body and spirit.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Yogaween

Friday, October 24, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year
What is a yogi to do? In times where I feel like I am repeating a cyclical habit, as I tend to do when the holidays pop up, I like to turn to the wisdom of the past. What do the ancients tell us to do? Surely they all felt times of increased stress and had their own challenges balancing work, family and life in general. Their circumstances were undoubtedly different than our own, but stress is stress in any age. So for this particular time on the calendar, I'll refer to a yoga term called the "Yamas." And one yama in particular, which is "Brahmacharya."
Briefly, the yamas are described in Patajanli's Yoga Sutras, one the earliest texts ever written about yoga. To simplify, the yamas are "restraints" or "self disciplines" for our own personal yoga practice. It can also be depicted as certain ways we conduct ourselves in the outside world. They include such practices as truthfulness, non-stealing, non-harming, etc.
I bring up Brahmacharya becauses it is an observance about containing your energy and not giving everything away (time, money, etc) to everyone, at all times. And this is not just during the holidays. This should be practiced at all times, but it's especially important now when we are running this marathon to buy presents, bake cookies, go to parties, etc. Brahmacharya is about boundaries, setting them and keeping them. And it's about saying that dreaded word, "No."
What can you let go of or at least lighten your burden so you are not feeling so rushed and stressed during this time? By letting something go and saying no, you say YES to your personal needs, like your yoga practice. The true practice of Brahmacharya forces us to balance all of these activities AND still have time for ourselves. Keep a little for yourself and maybe this year, you'll feel alot more of the true essence of the season: gratitude, family, love, peace and miracles.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Yoga for Turbulent Times
So, what can yoga teach us in this moment? What can I say to you that might help? I would say, let's start at the basic, gut level which is...first we need to breathe. Take some deep belly breaths, right now. I don't mean those shallow chest breaths you've been taking all day. I mean take a nice deep breath from your diaphragm, let it fill up your lungs, expanding your chest, and then let it go. Do that a few more times.
So, now that you feel a little more grounded in the moment, let's talk about how yoga can help us right now.
For starters, we need to actually start practicing yoga. It's proven that yoga helps to relieve stress, slows down a rapid heart rate, detoxifies the body and circulates fresh oxygen and blood throughout our entire system. Why do I tell you this? Because when you feel better physically, you'll feel better mentally and emotionally. And when we feel fit in body, mind and spirit, we're able to cope with what's going on in our external world. Now is not the time to abandon our practice, to abandon what makes us feel good in our bodies because we are going through financial hardships. We're not at the point, nor should we ever get to the point where we sacrifice our health because the world is topsy turvy. It's always going to be this way. It's the cycle of life.
I am the type of person that looks at the glass as half full. When we had those hurricane winds a few weeks back and we all lost our electricity, I was a little scared and inconvienced at first, but after my husband and I got a plan together it was actually fun and adventurous. And I have to say, it forced me to appreciate all the blessings I had and to appreciate the simple things in life. I really didn't miss the tv or the computer that much. And I really liked reading by candlelight. This financial mess is yet another learning experience.
I am reminded of one of the yoga obersvances called Aparigraha which means non-coveting or non-attachment. This is non-attachment on all levels...physically, emotionally, materially, everything. It's about simplifying your life and learning what is really important and what you can let go. Maybe you don't really need that expensive cable/internet package and you downgrade so you can take a yoga or dance class. And if you can't do that, buy a book or dvd and continue at home. Just keep doing it. Use your creativity and be resourceful.
Let the world run it's crazy course. But continue to work out, meditate, play whatever is appropriate for you. The world needs your light, your grounded, simplified self.
Love and Light,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Is Yoga Religion?
And by the way, the answer is no. Yoga is not a religion. While it was born in India thousands of years ago and is associated with Hindusim, it is not followed as a specific religion. I can understand anyone's confusion or worry on this particular aspect of yoga because I wrestled with this issue when I first started practicing. I thought that if I fully wanted to devote my life to a "yogic lifestyle" I had to change from being the Catholic I was raised to be, to worshipping the monkey "god" Hanuman. I know I will have many blogs devoted to this subject, but for now, let's just touch the tip of the iceberg.
Simply put, yoga is the science and study of the self. Let me say that again. Yoga is the science and study of the self. It's not an occult. We don't worship the devil or do anything evil. We're practicing postures and sitting in silence to enhance the physical well being in our bodies and maybe stop the chatter in our minds for a few minutes. Nowhere is it written that says you have to stop going to Sunday mass because you practice yoga. Conversely, yoga will more likely strengthen your connection to whatever faith you do follow.
Now, for those of you who are agnostic or aetheist, I have good news for you too. You can still practice yoga. You won't get "converted" or get struck by lightning. Unlike Alice, you will be able to control how far down the rabbit hole you go.
If your sole intention when you start is to tone your arms or tummy or alleviate stress in your life, then by all means do it. Embrace your intentions. I will not judge you one iota. Whatever brings you to the mat is your choice, what will keep you there is also your choice. All I am asking is that with courage, you stick your big toe in the water and try it.
My friends, the benefits of yoga are far too great to get hung up on attaching any kind of religious label to it. Practice and apply it to your own life, your own unique path and just be open to where it takes you. And by all means whatever your faith or non-faith is, by all means embrace that because it's part of your journey too. There is no need to change it or stop it simply because we're stretching our bodies and becoming more healthy.
My love to all of you.
P.S. I'll explain more about that monkey "god" in another blog. It's too much for one sitting.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What is Yoga?
~ " to attain what was previously unattainable" which for us could simply be now being able to touch our toes, when before we couldn't.
~ "yoga is directing our attention to the activity we are engaged in" meaning yoga is about staying focused when we do something, anything, like cooking a glorious pot of soup.
~ "yoga is about being one with the Divine." This is probably one of my favorite definitions and yet can be the most challenging because how often do we engage in anything that allows us to get closer to our Source?
These are just some explanations of yoga to ponder on, but I don't want you to get too heady or overwhelmed by this just yet. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, and you are on one, by the way, yoga is not just a physical exercise we do on a mat. It's that yes, but it's so much more as depicted by these few definitions.
The great thing about it, is it can be anything you want it to be. Yes, we will start with a discipline on a sticky mat, but eventually you can take your practice off the mat. Your yoga can also be when you work in the garden, spend time with your kids, walk your dog, bake bread...anything that helps you feel more expansive and connected to your Source.
My definition of yoga is coming home...when I feel ease in my body and mind and I just feel at peace in my heart. It's happiness...pure and simple.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Introduction: The Joy is in the Journey
I am so thrilled to be collaborating with Keri and taking on the role of Yoga Specialist for Radiant Fitness. We'll be able to offer you more private sessions and yoga classes in more locations, making yoga accessible for you to experience the class that works for you the best.
My approach to teaching yoga is how I like to practice yoga...by bringing a beginner's perspective, being creative and allowing the energy bring about transformation. With compassion and a passion for teaching, I create classes that are warm, friendly and safe to explore your own personal practice.
Well, that's a little about me for now, more will come later, so stay tuned and hold that pose. We're working hard to develop some great classes for you. Until then, just breathe....
Your Yoga Specialist,