I long for a garden. I don't have one currently living in an apartment, but when I have a house, soon I will start one. But if you are lucky enough to have small patch of earth you call your own and can devote it to a garden, it's a great way to take your yoga practice outside. Yoga teaches us about being in the present moment, staying grounded and simplifying our chaotic lives.
A garden also can help us stay mindful of the bigger picture, especially if you grow fruits and vegetables. Where does our food come from? Where does it go after we've consumed it? Who has to labor for it? How much waste are we creating in the day to day living of our lives? One way to address this issue of waste and consumption is by composting.
Composting is utilizing your food scraps (i.e. coffee grinds) and organic matter such as yard clippings and flowers and allowing them to break down naturally in the earth through oxygen, bacteria and insects. This yields soil that is rich in oxygen and nitrogen. If you simply throw these things out in your trash, they end up in landfill and get layered and buried. Oxygen cannot get to it to break it down and the end result is a large production of methane being created, which, as you know, affects the quality of the air we breathe.
Going "green" as never been more important as it is now, especially as we begin to reverse the damage we've already done to our planet. It's never been more important as the economy fluctuates and we stretch our dollars anyway we can to sustain our lives. If simplifying your life as led you to grow your own food, why not take it to the next step and begin composting. Below are some helpful websites to get you started. Good luck.
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