Building a consistant yoga practice can take months and sometimes years to establish. But even if you are not there yet, or have the intention of wanting to take your practice further, sometimes creating a special place in your home is all the motivation you need to keep you on track. This is where creating a sacred space comes in.
A sacred space is a designated space in your home where you can sit at an alter to meditate or pray. And it's hopefully also enough space where you can roll out your mat and do a yoga practice.
I know what you are thinking. Alter?! No, it's not the big ornate alters you see in churches with holy statues, etc. A personal alter can be as simple or as detailed as you make it. And it's personal, so you put on it those images or things that have special significance to you. If you want a picture of Jesus or a picture of your cat, go ahead and put it on there.
If you are not big into meditation or find this practice difficult, this alter can be a spot where you come to when you just need to sit and reflect and breathe. My alter is in my bedroom and consists of a cushion I can sit on and a few pieces that ground me: a Tibetan singing bowl, some mantras, Buddha candle (pictured), incense burner, flowers, and a pink-colored rock I picked up on the last nature walk of my teacher training.
It doesn't have to be much. But I hope you allow it to be a personal focal point in your life, a safe harbor, you can go to each day when the world gets a bit crazy and you need a time out. I'll admit my alter doesn't get utilized every day, but it is a daily reminder for me to breathe, sit and practice. What more motivation do you need?
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