We've all tossed around the notion of someone being a guru, a person who is an expert in their field. A guru is also a spiritual teacher or advisor. For many, the image of a monk or holy sage in long flowing robes generally comes to mind. But yoga defines a guru as something different. "Gu" means darkness and "ru" means light. So essentially a guru is someone who turns ignorance into enlightenment... who brings you out of the darkness and into the light.
Usually around this time of year beginning in July, the Hindus celebrate their holy day, called Guru Purnima. This year, it's July 7. Now you may not have a guru you pray to, per se, but we all have teachers who have touched our lives in different ways. This is really what Guru Purnima is all about. It is a day set aside to specifically give thanks to the teachers in your lives, be they yoga or something else. And lets face it, we all have people who come into our lives as teachers, mentors, or advisors. This is a day set aside to specifically give thanks and honor your teachers for all the wisdom they have passed down.
"It is also a day in which Divine energy flows more freely than any other time of the year. The Guru principle is said to be 1000 times more active on this day than any other in the year." (Mike Cohen) To celebrate this upcoming holiday, a special kirtan will be performed at the Yogahome Symmes studio on June 28 at 7pm. It is a great opportunity to come together as a community and honor your teachers past and present.
I hope on the actual day of Guru Purnima, on July 7, you will take a yoga class and give thanks to your teachers and in doing so, you give thanks to your teacher's teachers and their teachers and on and on it keeps going through thousands of years. That's a lot to celebrate!!