Friday, May 8, 2009

Thanks mom

So this Sunday is Mother's day and I'm going to be just a tad self indulgent as I focus this week's blog on thanking my mom. There are alot of people in this world who have lost their moms or who had moms that were critical or abusive or just plain ineffectual. This was not my mom. My mom was no Donna Reid and we didn't see eye to eye all the time, but looking back on what I know now, she was exactly the perfect person for the role to shape me into who I am today.

My mom is funny, fiery, loving, spiritual and one of my very best friends on this whole planet. She worked full time, as did my dad, raising us 4 kids and she spent seven years going to night school to get her bachelors degree in finance, all because she really wanted that college education. She has fought cancer twice and lived to tell the tale and she continues to be an inspiration to others who are still fighting it. She's just an all around hip gal and I continue to learn from her.

But what I really want to thank her for besides her strength and grit, is that she taught me about my humanity and about spirituality. I found yoga because of her. She was practicing it long before it was fashionable or trendy and somehow that yoga gene got passed on to me in a big way. I am now a teacher and I don't think I would be if not for her laying down the tracks for me to follow. Yoga has become one of the most important things in my life that has given me direction and a rock to cling to during the tough spots and so I thank my mother for sharing this with me and continuing to practice with me. I don't know what I'd be without that or without her, so thank you mom. And Namaste.


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