I am preparing for my first 5K run this weekend. Am I excited, nervous, a little scared? You bet. But I'm also prepared and I've set my intentions to have fun, pace myself and have patience. It also got me to thinking how my yoga practice has prepared me even beyond what I've done running on the trail.
Yoga compliments my other forms of exercise, whether it's running, tennis or racquetball. All very yang sports to be sure, but yoga creates a place where I can stretch deeper in my body and helps me to take full advantage of my breath. It's all interconnected.
Years of performing Warrior poses, twists, downward facing dogs, balancing poses, vinyasas and pranayama (breath control) all has prepared me for this one little charity run this weekend. I can even call upon my meditation practice to guide me through. Don't believe me? What happens when you do any sport of endurance? It eventually becomes a mental game. It's you and your thoughts either propelling you forward or stopping you all together. In yoga, we call this monkey mind, "chitta."
It's really quite amazing how it all comes together. And you can use so many aspects of yoga to enhance your physical fitness. So, if you are one of those recreational athletes who thinks that yoga is too easy or too hard, just remember that some of those very same stretches you do to warm up, are the very ones I teach in class. You are already doing yoga and you don't even know it.
Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. I'll see you on the mat and on the trails.
1 comment:
Have a great run! I find running takes me to places mentally I don't always get on the mat. It's a good balance for me.
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