Friday, April 17, 2009

Spotlight on the Spine

Lately I've been getting many "messages" about the spine, mainly the lumbar spine or the lower back. Whether it's feeling tight in my own body or hearing about other people's major back issues, I thought I would focus this week's blog on the all important back.

"You are only as young as your spine." One yoga teacher and maybe more have said this over time. And isn't it true. When you are in devasting back pain don't you feel like you are 106? But when your back is feeling strong and healthy, it's like we're kids again and we can do anything. The health of the spine is so important to the overall health of your body. And this includes the strength of the abdominals as well.

On the positive side, our bodies are all interconnected. On the negative side, our bodies are all interconnected. Meaning if you are misaligned in your back somewhere, you will feel it elsewhere in your body. Like skipping a stone on a pond, the ripple effects extend out. For example, let's say you have a problem in your lower back. If not addressed, you could begin to have pain and misalignment that could travel up your spine causing pain in your shoulders, neck, jaw and head. In addition, it can travel down your body causing pain in your hips, knees and feet. All because one thing is out of whack.

Do you see how important it is to address the problem right from the beginning? Do you see how important it is to stay physically fit and exercise on a regular basis? I'll say it again. You are only as young as your spine. So start today. You don't have to have a major yoga practice to benefit from yoga. You can incorporate simple poses like twists or back strengtheners like cobra or sphinx pose into your daily stretches. There are lots of gentle stretches you can do to keep your spine healthy and supple as you age. And by keeping your spine healthy, you create a stronger abdominal core. Keeping these bones and muscles strong and flexible allows you to grow older gracefully. And you'll still feel like a kid, even if you don't look like one.



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