This week marked the annual observance of Earth Day. With all of the marketing around this event, it simply reinforces a wonderful principle or guideline to follow and that is Ahimsa or non-harming. We hear it so much in relation to being kind to ourselves and our fellow man and showing kindness towards animals. But we can't forget about showing loving kindness to our home.
There are so many simple ways that you can help reduce our collective planetary carbon footprint, like recycling, composting, changing to energy efficient lightbulbs, etc. If you are feeling really resourceful, check out your local library or bookseller for books and activities on how you can go "green."
As a yogi, you can practice Ahimsa during your yoga session with a few of the following suggestions, along with helpful links:
1) Give up bottled water. How many of those plastic bottles end up in landfills? According to the Sierra Club, 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make plastic water bottles. Switch to a PVC free stainless steel water bottle and fill it with tap water. http://www.kleankanteen.com/
2) Change out your PVC yoga mat for an eco mat. I, for one, have used the traditional yoga mats you find at Target, etc and have stopped using it in favor of my rubber yoga mat from Jade. I love it! It gives me more stability and cushioning, plus, I'm helping the environment. No need to throw out the old yoga mat though. Repurpose is as a lining in your car trunk, under a litter box or potted plant, etc. http://www.jadeyoga.com/store/home.php
3) Practice in organic cotton, hemp or bamboo clothing. http://acaciacatalog.com/default.asp, http://acaciacatalog.com/default.asp, http://www.gaiam.com/
4) Use a recycled bag to carry your yoga mat or clothes. These can also be used for grocery shopping too to replace plastic or paper bags. I used these and love them!!! http://www.envirosax.com/
I hope you find these suggestions helpful. It's definitely a step in the right direction as we take care of ourselves and our momma...earth.
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