Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is Yoga Religion?

This is a very delicate subject and extremely difficult to write about without having to worry about offending anyone. I apologize in advance if I do offend anyone, but I'm going to speak the truth from my heart on this topic.

And by the way, the answer is no. Yoga is not a religion. While it was born in India thousands of years ago and is associated with Hindusim, it is not followed as a specific religion. I can understand anyone's confusion or worry on this particular aspect of yoga because I wrestled with this issue when I first started practicing. I thought that if I fully wanted to devote my life to a "yogic lifestyle" I had to change from being the Catholic I was raised to be, to worshipping the monkey "god" Hanuman. I know I will have many blogs devoted to this subject, but for now, let's just touch the tip of the iceberg.

Simply put, yoga is the science and study of the self. Let me say that again. Yoga is the science and study of the self. It's not an occult. We don't worship the devil or do anything evil. We're practicing postures and sitting in silence to enhance the physical well being in our bodies and maybe stop the chatter in our minds for a few minutes. Nowhere is it written that says you have to stop going to Sunday mass because you practice yoga. Conversely, yoga will more likely strengthen your connection to whatever faith you do follow.

Now, for those of you who are agnostic or aetheist, I have good news for you too. You can still practice yoga. You won't get "converted" or get struck by lightning. Unlike Alice, you will be able to control how far down the rabbit hole you go.

If your sole intention when you start is to tone your arms or tummy or alleviate stress in your life, then by all means do it. Embrace your intentions. I will not judge you one iota. Whatever brings you to the mat is your choice, what will keep you there is also your choice. All I am asking is that with courage, you stick your big toe in the water and try it.

My friends, the benefits of yoga are far too great to get hung up on attaching any kind of religious label to it. Practice and apply it to your own life, your own unique path and just be open to where it takes you. And by all means whatever your faith or non-faith is, by all means embrace that because it's part of your journey too. There is no need to change it or stop it simply because we're stretching our bodies and becoming more healthy.

My love to all of you.

P.S. I'll explain more about that monkey "god" in another blog. It's too much for one sitting.

1 comment:

radiantfitness said...

Okay, so if it's not about religion, is it about sex? That's another one I get (especially if people hear the word "Tantric.")

You make some good points, by the way, and I'll be quoting you!