Friday, January 29, 2010

New Year's Intentions

It's almost the end of January and I have to ask, how are those resolutions coming? Are you keeping them or have you given up? How about replacing that dreaded "R" word with a better one...Intention. In my yoga classes, we set our intention at the beginning of each class. It becomes less about a direct tangible goal, then it is about creating the type of energy you want from your practice that day. I call it the "one word mantra" or gem you can come back to for focus or energy. An example for a yoga class intention could be, "Patience" or "Courage" or even "Surrender." Again, just a one word gem that's easy to remember, yet hits home to what you really need at the time.

So, how can you replace a New Year's Resolution with an Intention? It's easy, but still requires a certain amount of discipline, but in a different way. So the biggie for most people is to lose weight, get in shape, eat better. But when you seat this type of goal for yourself there is always this huge expectation hanging over your head as well as failure if you don't succeed. And invariably something will detour you from your goal of perfect health and fitness. What happens then? Do you try harder or end up putting on the camel hair cloak and start beating yourself up and quit?

How about this year instead of making the Resolution stated above, you make the Intention of "eating mindfully" or "doing something active for 2o minutes today." (I know these are more than one word, but you get the idea) Keeping an intention is different because you surround it with a different energy and within that is something that is a smaller goal and achievable, but leaves room for growth and being human. And who knows? Something like that intention may lead you to your ultimate goal of losing weight, getting in shape and eating healthier.

One of my New Year's Intentions is "Patience"... at work, home, driving in my car, everywhere. And within this intention is the energy that I will be less reactionary at work and less judgemental with myself and others. And when I lose my way, I can come back to my one word mantra for guidance. Ahhhh Patience.


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