One of my all time favorite foundational yoga poses, is Trikonasna or "Triangle" pose. Alot of standing yoga poses are going to build strength in the legs and Trikonasana is no different. It works the thighs, opens the back body and depending on which variation you are doing, creates a full body stretch from the fingers all the way to the feet. And as you work deeper into the pose, you begin to get this nice "revolved" action in the spine as your heart center begins to shine towards the sky.
Not only does Trikonanasna offer the body physical benefits, it's a great way to relieve stress and anxiety and stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding in digestion. So, the next time you are in this pose, just don't rush into it. Really take the time to find the sukha or ease in this pose when you ground down through the fee and lenghten through the spine.
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