Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sister Science

If you study or practice yoga long enough, you are bound to become acquainted with Ayurveda, (pronounced I-your-vaeda). Ayurveda which means the "knowledge of life" is the sister science of yoga, an ancient Indian healing system that encompases diet, lifestyle, and the subtle energies of the body. It sounds like it would be extremely difficult to understand or apply, but I bet you already do it and don't even realize it. It's all about listening to your natural intuition when you exercise or eat a meal.

For instance, in the summer time do you naturally gravitate towards eating hot, rich foods and hot drinks or do you "crave" a light salad, cold fruit and water? Maybe it's not a craving after all. Without knowing it, you are applying the ancient healing system of ayurveda by feeding your body what it naturally needs, at the right time, the right season, and the right amount to feel healthy and nourished. You eat the foods that are in season; you feed your physical body by exercising outside and you feed your subtle body energies by giving it sunshine, fresh air, and time in the garden.

When you realize this, you begin to understand how everything is intertwined. And this is true for yoga too. You'll begin to intuitively know what poses will work more efficiently for you to keep you at your optimal best. You'll have to experiement and decide, for instance, if in the winter time you do a hot, yang yoga practice or you switch to a slower, yin practice. It will take some time, but you'll get it.

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