"Delicious Autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~ George Eliot
Besides the season of spring, autumn is my second favorite time of year. It's that glorious time when the leaves change color and you can smell a sweetness in the air. I don't know if it's candied apples or just plain candy, but there is something wonderful permeating the air out there.
Besides the sensory changes of the season, I love this time of year because of Halloween and seeing all the kids dressed up for trick or treating and even dressing up myself. I still do and I still find it a blast. I'm happy to say that my husband and I and a lot of family members have held on to that glorious time of childhood. For me it's the only time a year you can play "pretend" and dress up and be whatever you want with no strings attached.
But this is also a time of year where you'll notice a lot more images of gore as well. This brings me to the next Yama, or restraint, which is Ahimsa or non-violence. This is the perfect time of year for a good scare...haunted houses, horror movies, CSI anyone? Of course this is the nasty end of the spectrum as violence goes. I've observed as I've gotten older that I really don't like being exposed to those images or that energy. It really gets into my subconcious and I don't like that stuff being there. But, if you like a good scare, by all means get your fix.
The kind of "non-violence" I'm referring to in relation to yoga is non-violence to others of course, but it also has to do with non-violence towards ourselves. As people we want to respect others and treat others kindly, but it's just as important to carry that respect and kindness over to ourselves. And this is crucial when it comes to our thinking. Really try to observe in the coming weeks the thoughts that you have about yourself. Are you judging yourself a bit too harshly or are you giving yourself some slack? Are you patting yourself on the back as you often do with everyone else? Really notice this.
This is a hard lesson for me too. I'm a perfectionist and no one is harder on me, than myself. But remember it's a yoga practice, not a yoga perfection, so we just have to keep showing up to our mats to do the work.
So...ahimsa...be kind to yourself, especially at this time of year when you are bombarded with negative images of the Halloween season and you bombard yourself with that negative talk in your mind. If you skipped that fitness class or were too tired to do your yoga practice, begin again the next day. It's okay.
Just breathe, practice, and be happy. And be kind to yourself as you would anyone you encounter.
My friends, have a safe and happy Halloween.