I've blogged a couple of times for students building a yoga practice, the importance exploring other teachers and other styles of yoga, to cultivate the appreciation of the vast knowledge that yoga can give us. It's also important for teachers to continue on in some capacity of continuing their education whether through workshops, trainings, or even picking up a new yoga text. At least for me, taking other styles or teachers keeps my own practice fresh and allows me to create new sessions for my students.
As some of you know, I've decided to take that next step and go back to school for massage therapy. What I'm hoping to gain besides skills for a new career, is experience and knowledge that I can bring to teaching yoga to my students. Because yoga is so much about the body, I am so excited to learn more about anatomy and physiology and healing techniques. I will still be teaching my normal classes (just on different days) but I can't wait to bridge the gap of what I don't know and apply it to what I do. And best of all, my students will be the beneficiaries of that knowledge and those healing techniques.
If you are in the area, I will be teaching Monday nights at Meadowland Chiropractic (6-7:15 pm) in Alexandria, KY.
And Wednesday nights at Yogahome Bellevue (6-7:15 pm) http://www.yogahome.net/
I hope to still see you on the mat.
Blessings for a wonderful weekend,